You Can Trust The World’s No. 1
Ransomware Removal Company

We’re Experts in Ransomware Removal, Computer Security, and Cryptography. More than 25 years of experience. Worldwide 24/7 Assistance. Fast guaranteed Ransomware Removal and Data Recovery.

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I have been scammed many times but finally I found STOP DJVU DECRYPTOR and I recovered my 2 years old files without paying to criminals.”
Jacob James

How it works?

The STOP DJVU Decryptor is a highly effective tool for decryption of files affected by STOP/DJVU Ransomware. It employs AES256, Salsa20, and RSA algorithms to decrypt infected files

Step 1

Verify Personal ID

The STOP DJVU Decryptor asks for the personal id you find in
readme.txt And after putting the ID in the decryptor, it will verify
your personal id using an online server.

Step 2

Bypass Private Key

If your personal ID is valid and verified by the server then the
decryptor will use online server to bypass the private key and
decrypt files for online id ransomware

Step 3

Decrypt Files

After bypassing the private key of the ransomware using
online server. The STOP DJVU Decryptor will start
decrypting the files safely and you will get back the files
within a few minutes.

Latest statistics

In October 2018, it took the top spot and accounted for 54.3 percent of the top five ransomware strains detected by ID Ransomware. By October 2019, it retains its top spot and now accounts for 70.7 percent of the top five detections in the past 60 days (from the time of publication of this post).

The data in our latest Ransomware Statistics report for Q2 and Q3 2019 shows that STOP accounts for more than half of all the ransomware submissions throughout the world. STOP has spread rapidly the past year.

Ransomware Recovery Process: How It Works?

Step 1

Rapid Evaluation

Contact us, submit your case and send us your personal ID for the first rapid evaluation.

Step 2


We analyze your personal ID to determine the cost associated with recovery.

Step 3


We send you a quote with information about cost and timing of the recovery.

Step 4


We send you STOP DJVU Decryptor via Email and a complete usage guide.

Which Ransomware Can I
Remove And Decrypt?

Fast Ransomware Removal Services

Premium Cyber Security Services to help businesses, professionals and administrations remove any type of ransomware and successfully recover all encrypted data.

I have been scammed many times but finally I found STOP DJVU DECRYPTOR and I recovered my 2 years old files without paying to criminals.”
Jacob James









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